Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Don't Forget Your Jewelry

Not many days go by in our house that we don’t mention jewelry at least once. Part of that is because Heather really, really likes jewelry, and she wears it so well 😊
            The other part of that is that we are blessed to work with Premier Designs, a company that promotes biblical truth, the inherent worth of all people as God’s creation and beloved, and strives to enrich the lives of everyone they come into contact with. Training meetings and award ceremonies are more like a praise and worship time with Scripture, testimonies, music, prayer, and lots of excitement.
And, they just so happen to sell jewelry, too.
            So today I came across this little gem in Jeremiah, “does a young woman forget her jewelry?” (Jeremiah 2:32).
(Nice little “gem” pun, right?)
            I have read Jeremiah several times. This is one of my favorite Old Testament books of the Bible, so Jeremiah and I are like old friends, we know a lot about each other and have shared a lot together. I know this verse has always been right there in the 2nd chapter, but today I just really noticed it.
            Now context is important, I say this every time I am sharing God’s Word with others. And the context here is that Jeremiah has been called by God as a prophet to go and tell the people of Judah that they need to change their ways. They have become lazy in their actions, indifferent in their relationships, cold in their worship, and have turned their backs on the God who created, provided, cared for, and sustained them. So, the Lord goes through a list of things that the people have done, and one of those things is that they have forgotten Him. They have become so busy with their own lives, their own agendas and their own goals, that they have neglected their first great Love.
            To show how crazy this should seem to them, God asks Jeremiah, “does a young woman forget to put her jewelry on before she goes out?” The obvious answer for Jeremiah to that question would have been, “Absolutely not!”
            And the same is true for my wife and these great jewelry ladies we have met over our last year with Premier. When they get together there is a lot of bling going on!
But today I looked at Heather’s jewelry sitting on the table. This has helped make an impact in many lives, and most of them I will never know the stories of personally.
            The people of Judah had gotten too busy with other things.
            We know how that is too.
            So they had forgotten.
            We know how that is too.
            I am not making an excuse, but I know it happens. Life gets busy and there are some days we are just trying to hold on for the ride and not get slung off. Maybe we feel that way at times because we are forgetting.
            I wonder if every Premier lady (and Premier man…and everyone else for that matter) could put on their jewelry each day and use this as a time to remember. Remember your first Great Love. Remember you are created in the image of God and you are greatly loved. Remember the One who hung the stars and spoke creation into being is the One who cares deeply for you and desires your love, worship, and relationship. Remember that today you will be given an opportunity to bless others. Remember that God is in control, and part of that means we are trusting in Him first.
            I wonder if this will help us to not forget?
            “Will a Premier lady forget to put her jewelry on?”
Absolutely not!
            But put on each piece as a time of worship, a time of preparation, and a time of remembering who you are.

[i] https://www.premierdesigns.com/gettoknowus.html

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