Friday, July 29, 2016

Be of Good Cheer

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
            This is a verse from John 16:33 in the New King James Version translation. I normally don’t read or preach from the KJV on a regular basis, but most of the Scripture that I memorized as a child was in this translation, and I love the poetic beauty especially of the Psalms in the KJV. This verse, also, is great to read and compare.
Here is the same verse in the New International Version (NIV), which is the most widely used translation today in the United States:       
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
            One big difference is the KJV says “be of good cheer” and the NIV says “take heart”. Other translations may say “be encouraged” or “don’t lose heart”. Anyway, you get the picture. All the different translations say the same thing basically, it’s just how the Greek word “tharseau” can be translated in different ways.
            I like the “good cheer” translation. I want to be of good cheer. And sometimes I am…when things are going good. But that isn’t really what Jesus was talking about here, actually that isn’t what Jesus was talking about here at all.
            Those “things” that He had been talking about before this verse was the fact that He was going to die. But even though he would die and not be physically with His friends anymore, they would be better off because the Holy Spirit would come to be with us (and in us) forever. So in the end this was going to be a good thing, so be of “good cheer”!
            This verse makes me look at my life, am I of Good Cheer only when things are going good (or at least what I think going ‘good’ looks like)? Do circumstances take away my Good Cheer? Do other people take away my Good Cheer and put me in a bad cheer-mood? Do finances, my job, my kids, traffic, illness, marital issues take away my Good Cheer?
            If so, then I don’t really have Good Cheer the way that Jesus was talking about it.
            Take a look at John 15:11 in the New Living Translataion: Jesus said “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”
            Joy and Good Cheer are not a result of our circumstances, they are a result of Jesus. We don’t have Good Cheer because of the situation we find ourselves in, we have Good Cheer because of who (Jesus) has walked into our situation. We are not dependent on other people or other things to bring us joy and cheer, no more than we are at the hands of other people or circumstances to put us in bad-cheer. That is what Jesus was saying.
            Sometimes things in life are wonderful, be of Good Cheer! Sometimes things in life turn to crap, be of Good Cheer!
            It isn’t about what we are going through, it is about who is going through it with us.

            So be of Good Cheer my brothers and sisters, whatever you are facing today is NOT going to overcome or overwhelm you, because Jesus has already overcome it all for you.  Face today with strength, love, grace, and passion. And smile! Smile because you are of Good Cheer!