Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A morning in Psalm 5

I have been trying to start each day by reading a Psalm, or a portion of a Psalm. Lately I have been enjoying this time more and more. It is preparing me for the other Scripture I read (which right now is Jeremiah), and it helps guide my day in prayer.
                The Psalms really are our oldest prayer book. They contain the praises, laments, joys, and concerns that we all experience. And this time of starting here, and praying these words back to Jesus, has been helpful to me.

                Here is a verse from what I read today:
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice, in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3)

What a way to start the day, right! It is morning now. I have taken the kids to school, and I am having a cup of coffee. I have a test to take in an online class to take today, and make some calls to people I need to visit today, finish up the Bible study I am leading tonight, post in a Philosophy class forum, put out signs for our fundraiser breakfast Saturday, get some prices on new tires for my Mazda, etc, etc, etc.
I could have started the day with any of those other things, and many times unfortunately I do. It takes practice and focus to start here in the Psalms. The other things are all screaming for my attention, and the Psalms lie here quietly, waiting.

                You hear my voice.
That is a fact of our relationship with God that gives me goosebumps when I really let that thought sink in. Today, right here as I start my day in prayer with coffee, God hears my voice, knows my voice, and listens to my voice. I just need to talk, letting my Father know what is on my mind, and asking Him what is on His. Telling my Father all I have to do today, and asking Him what He wants me to do instead.

                I lay my requests.
 Lay ‘em down. Here they are, Lord. Sometimes I write them down, sometimes I speak them aloud, sometimes I can’t put words to them, or mere words just can’t seem to express the desires of my heart so I breathe them out. Just breathe a prayer, exhaling what I am laying down, and inhaling God’s grace and love. This is what is burdening my heart and warping my mind today. This is what I really feel like I need. What do you think?

                I wait.
This isn’t natural for any of us, I know. We don’t live in a culture that rewards waiting. It is almost seen as a sign of weakness to have to wait, and our to-do list is piling up every second we spend waiting. That’s really a shame. Not that I love waiting, or anything like that. But I am growing to appreciate it a little more. For one thing, I try to have a book with me most of the time. This makes waiting easier, whether in line to pick up the kids or in the waiting room waiting for an appointment. Waiting can also be a great time to talk to God. Living in Telford I have found that there are days when I can spend quite a bit of time waiting on trains. This used to create frustration in me, now I am learning to take this time as a gift, a little respite with me and Jesus. And being in the Psalms this morning helps with the waiting, too. The natural and rhythmic flow of the words in the verses calms me before the craziness of the day starts. Waiting doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing.

                But I am not just waiting, I am waiting “expectantly”.
That added word creates a sense of anticipation. Something is going to happen….and something IS gonna happen today. I have just lifted up my voice to the God of all creation, who has heard me and listened to me. I have laid my requests for Him and sought His guidance. Now I wait “expectantly” for Him to act. Whether in word or deed, God is moving in all this today. The rest of my day can be looking for what God is doing, wide-eyed wonder as He shows me His direction and His love today.

Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you” (Psalm 5:11)

                Have a wonderful day, be blessed and rejoice in the One who is protecting you.

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