Saturday, February 18, 2023

We all have opinions, but do we need to share all of them?

 I saw this picture last week and wanted to share a thought with you today. In case you don't know, Chris sang the national anthem before the Super Bowl. I think he did a great job.

Then I saw this picture inviting the social media world to give thier opinion: Loved it with a heart. Or not great with a crying face.

There were almost 10000 reactions and comments on this post.

And it made me wonder why. Why do we have to pick a side on everything? Why do we have to give our opinion on everything? Chris is a great musician who did a good job. I don't even know any of his songs because I don't listen to much country music, but I just wanna say, "Great job Chris, and thank you".

And the same to Rhianna for the halftime show, "Great job Rhianna, and thank you. And congrats!"

The world wants us to pick a side on everything. Social media thrives on that.

But we don't have to. If you didn't like the anthem or the half time show that's OK. Aren't you so thankful that you have such a blessed and privileged life that commenting on one man's rendition of our anthem is something you could do if you wanted to? 

I know this is  just all my opinion, maybe you have a passionate response you need to share on social media about the Super Bowl song or half time show. Just ask yourself, is it kind? Is it necessary? Is t true? Is it helpful?

I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. - 1 Corinthians 1:10

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