Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Connected at the Table

Now more than ever, we are looking for ways to stay connected. From how we connect with our jobs and clients, or with school, or with family and friends, connection is critical. And in my circles, how we stay connected as the church is an ongoing conversation. 

First, I want to say that I believe that every church in our area is trying, most more than they have ever done, to stay connected with members. From live streaming in our living rooms to preaching in empty sanctuaries into a cell phone propped up on a stack of hymnals, churches are doing their best to be the church, the whole body of Christ.

These stories inspire me and give me hope, so thank you!

And then I have seen some amazing and creative ways that churches are seeking to maintain connection. I love seeing the stories of the members of the church, not just the pastors, working alongside one another to bring connection in new ways that 6 months ago we would have never even thought about. 

These stories inspire me and give me hope, so thank you!

And all of this is tiring, as well. 

I talked to a church member a few months ago who asked me how I was liking all this vacation time I’m getting since I’m not working preaching now. And she was serious. For me personally, this season has been more exhausting than anything I’ve ever done in ministry. But most of the members in the two churches I serve have been incredibly supportive of me and my family during this time. I can’t put into words how thankful I am for my wife, Heather, also. She is the one who makes sure that the tripod is level and the angle is right every Sunday morning. She handles a virtual welcome and announcements and then hands it over to me to preach as she sits and prays for me. And she has been right by side every Wednesday night Facebook live Bible study, Sunday night Children’s ZOOM, Monday night youth ZOOM, and all of the other special video services we have done since February. I know that this isn’t the case in all clergy families, but I could not have done all this during this Covid-season without her. 

And now, as the number of cases in our county continue to rise, and the possibility of being back together in-person for worship keeps getting pushed further back, we continue to seek connection.

And as much as the innovative and creative ways of connection have inspired me and given me hope in our church, it is something else that gives me a deeper hope for the future of the “church”. 

Hugh Wallace, a member at Telford UMC, takes his laptop to Jackie’s house every Sunday morning (and took Jackie a mask since he didn’t have one). Jackie doesn’t have internet access, or a computer, or a smartphone. He is disconnected from all of the online worship opportunities. But now is connected because of Hugh. 

The kitchen table has become a place of worship, again. 

The table has truly been extended, again.

And all because one person took a laptop to another person’s house so that they could worship together. So that they could have church together….so that they could be the church together. 

I am amazed by all of our creative ways to stay connected, but perhaps the “house church” or the “kitchen table church” is what inspires me most right now. And it doesn’t take a lot. It just takes a Jackie who has a need, and a Hugh willing to do something about it.

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