Jesus said some pretty
amazing things! I mean, really, have you ever stopped to not just think about,
not just read about, (not just preach about, Michael), but to really
whole-heartedly-100% believe all things fantastic claims that we have recorded
in the gospels?
Today as I was sitting with my cup of coffee and a
morning Scripture I read from John 14. This is not typically a passage I spend
a lot of time in, except in funerals. There are obvious eternal promises in the
first 14 verses of this chapter, and there is the obvious comfort from the
promises of Jesus to those who are left here as their loved ones have moved in
with Jesus.
Today I wanted to share a couple of things from John 14 that
I think are really important to all of us. So, (if you’ve read this before then
you know what’s coming next) grab your Bible and check out John 14 with me now.
“Do not let your
hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1).
And that’s how Jesus starts this. Don’t let your hearts
be troubled. What an amazing statement, right?!
But we do let our hearts be troubled sometimes, don’t we?
We have troubles that are present in our families, our marriages, our finances,
our schools, our government, even in our churches. And this trouble can trouble
our hearts.
Maybe that’s why Jesus also said, “So don’t worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough
for today.” (Matthew 6:34)
Trouble is unavoidable. When I was younger my mother said
that trouble just seemed to always find me. Truth is, I think I did my fair
share to find it, too. I don't really like country music all that much, but I keep hearing that song (I think it was Travis Tritt) about T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
But in the midst of these troubles of life, perspective
is important. First, focus on the trouble of today. Not tomorrow, not next week
or next month. We deal with what we can deal with now. Worrying about anything,
especially potential future events that may or may not even happen, is
pointless, useless, and, dare I say it…faithless.
Jesus also said, “Can any one of you by worrying add a
single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27).
That’s one of those redundant questions, the obvious answer is NO! And
if that is the obvious answer, then the next obvious question is, “so what’s the
point of worrying?”
Do not let your hearts be troubled. And then Jesus goes
on to talk about preparing a forever home for us, and then (look at verse 14),
he says, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it”.
I have to take a deep breath and pause every time I read
this verse. This is one of those passages of Scriptures that have, on one hand,
been taken so far to the extreme of craziness that this promise is reduced to
our God being a genie in a bottle, or a cosmic vending-machine-prayer-answerer.
And on the other hand, this promise is ignored.
I believe Jesus meant this, or he would not have said it.
I also think we need to prayerfully understand what he meant.
“Ask”. Talk to God. Pray continually, in all situations.
Pray believing and pray expecting God to do something, as in answer your
prayer! Believe in God. Believe in Jesus. Just, ask.
“In my name”. In the name of Jesus, there is power in that
name! But also in his will (‘thy will be done, not mine’). Believe that God
knows best. Pour out your honestly and trust your good Father to answer in a
way that is best for you both now and long term.
“I will do it.” So don’t let your hearts be troubled
today. God will guide and provide.
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